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Thursday, December 22, 2011

ELA, Gini Index y la brecha entre pobres y ricos

ELA: sistema sociopolítico colonial que rige a PR. 

El ELA se compone de:

(1) Un sistema económico socialistoide obsoleto, fracasado, mezcla de clientelismo gubernamental, paternalismo dictatorial y mercantilismo medieval; donde el más competitivo es aplastado por el gobierno o por la Secta...

(2) un sistema político trampeado y totalmente secuestrado por un puñado de ricachones parásitos conocidos como la Secta de San Patricio;

Gracias a ese sistema llamado ELA es que Puerto Rico, que tiene el potencial de ser uno de los lugares MÁS PRÓSPEROS y con MEJOR calidad de vida del mundo, lleva 30 años de colapso económico y social, y se ha convertido en una decepcionante letrina tercermundista de la que se ha largado y se siguen largando todos los que pueden. 

La brecha entre ricos y pobres se mide con el índice Gini. Mientras más alto es el número, mayor es la brecha.

El Gini de USA es de 45, según el CIA World Factbook

El Gini del ELA (ANTES de llegar Fortuño al poder) era de 63.3 según un estudio del Dr Rafael Corrada Guerrero, de la Escuela de Planificación de la UPR

Según éste website, que cataloga los Gini Indices de todo el mundo, PR bajo el PPD estaría #2 en el MUNDO ENTERO en términos de lo grande que es la brecha entre ricos y pobres.

Ahí tienen la VERDADERA RAZÓN por la que el ELA sigue existiendo después de haber colapsado social y económicamente hace décadas: porque hay un puñado de ricachones parásitos beneficiándose de él, nadando en dinero mal habido, y comprando políticos y partidos para seguir en la jauja mientras uds siguen cada día MÁS xodíos ...

Nazionalistas yankifóbicos: antes de irse a criticar la paja en el ojo ajeno, miren la VIGA en el propio.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

La Triste Realidad del Cubano de a Pie

Un especial muy interesante sobre la difícil realidad de la vida en Cuba. 

Realmente da pena que la gente tenga terror de que los metan presos por el "delito" de vender un yogurt o un pote de mantequilla, o de atreverse a criticar a su gobierno.

Parte 1

Parte 2

Parte 3

Parte 4

Parte 5

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What caused the Great Recession? Read on...

A Primer: Understanding Derivatives
Heidi is the proprietor of a bar in Detroit ..

She realizes that virtually all of her customers are unemployed alcoholics and, as such, can no longer afford to patronize her bar.

To solve this problem, she comes up with a new marketing plan that allows her customers to drink now, but pay later.

Heidi keeps track of the drinks consumed on a ledger (thereby granting the customers loans).

Word gets around about Heidi's "drink now, pay later" marketing strategy and, as a result, increasing numbers of customers flood into Heidi's bar.

Soon she has the largest sales volume for any bar in Detroit .

By providing her customers freedom from immediate payment demands, Heidi gets no resistance when, at regular intervals, she substantially increases her prices for wine and beer, the most consumed beverages.

Consequently, Heidi's gross sales volume increases massively.

A young and dynamic vice-president at the local bank recognizes that these customer debts constitute valuable future assets and increases Heidi's borrowing limit. He sees no reason for any undue concern because he has the debts of the unemployed alcoholics as collateral!

At the bank's corporate headquarters, expert traders figure a way to make huge commissions, and transform these customer loans into DRINKBONDS.

These "securities" then are bundled and traded on international securities markets.

Naive investors don't really understand that the securities being sold to them as "AAA Secured Bonds" really are debts of unemployed alcoholics. Nevertheless, the bond prices continuously climb - and the securities soon become the hottest-selling items for some of the nation's leading brokerage houses.

One day, even though the bond prices still are climbing, a risk manager at the original local bank decides that the time has come to demand payment on the debts incurred by the drinkers at Heidi's bar. He so informs Heidi.

Heidi then demands payment from her alcoholic patrons. But, being unemployed alcoholics -- they cannot pay back their drinking debts.

Since Heidi cannot fulfill her loan obligations she is forced into bankruptcy.

The bar closes and Heidi's 11 employees lose their jobs. Overnight, DRINKBOND prices drop by 90%.

The collapsed bond asset value destroys the bank's liquidity and prevents it from issuing new loans,thus freezing credit and economic activity in the community.

The suppliers of Heidi's bar had granted her generous payment extensions and had invested their firms' pension funds in the BOND securities.

They find they are now faced with having to write off her bad debt and with losing over 90% of the presumed value of the bonds.

Her wine supplier also claims bankruptcy, closing the doors on a family business that had endured for three generations, her beer supplier is taken over by a competitor, who immediately closes the local plant and lays off
150 workers.

Fortunately though, the bank, the brokerage houses and their respective executives are saved and bailed out by a multibillion dollar no-strings attached cash infusion from the government.

The funds required for this bailout are obtained by new taxes levied on employed, middle-class, nondrinkers who have never been in Heidi's bar.

Now do you understand? There!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Verguenza Ajena

Si los independentistas no fueran un club privado dedicado al incesto ideológico y a vivir del mantengo del fondo electoral, hubieran aprovechado éstos pasados 3 años en que el PPD ha estado en el momento más desacreditado, más jodío y más débil de TODA su historia para establecerse como el segundo partido de PR.

Pero en vez de eso se han dedicado a servirle de cheerleaders y lambeojos a la Pava.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

¿Cómo compara el ELA vs la Libre Asociación?

Comparación económica entre los Estados de EEUU, sus territorios no incorporados, y sus repúblicas asociadas

Para que comparen:

GDPs Per Capita

USA $47,200 (promedio)
Hawaii $49,214 (estado más cercano a Guam)
Florida $40,106 (estado más cercano a PR)
Mississippi $32,967 (más bajo de los estados)
Delaware $69,667 (más alto de los estados)
Rhode Island $45,000 (estado más chiquito que PR)

PR $16,300
Guam $15,000
Islas Vírgenes $14,500
American Samoa $8,000
Marianas $12,500

Palau $8,100
Micronesia $2,200
Marshall $2,500

Luego de varias décadas de Libre Asociación, las repúblicas asociadas son MUCHO MÁS POBRES que lo que PR ha sido en los pasados 50 años... 

Ahí está la realidad, monda y lironda. Al que no le guste, que continúe con la cabeza firmemente enterrada en lo que se le perdió a Narciso ...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Petróleo ...

Espero con ansias el día en que la humanidad logre perfeccionar las tecnologías de fusión nuclear (para producir electricidad) y de fuel cells (para vehículos); y así podamos decirle a los Saudis, los Ayatollahs, a Putin, al gorila de Caracas, y al resto de todos esos robber barons que pueden coger su oro negro y hacerse enemas con él .

Sunday, November 13, 2011

¿Cuántos empleados gubernamentales REALMENTE necesita tener PR?

Sigue la gente con la cantaleta de que si el gobierno actual botó 17 mil empleados... sí, la misma gente que también recita cantaletas sobre las muchas batatas políticas que hay en PR...

Lo que pasa es que en PR no se hace benchmarking para comparar al gobierno con el de otros países que hacen las cosas MEJOR para así mejorar también.

La EXAGERADA cantidad de empleados públicos que tiene el gobierno del ELA es la razón principal por la cual en PR la gente paga una cantidad ENORME de impuestos pero no se ve a dónde van; las carreteras siguen fastidiadas, las escuelas públicas en mal estado, las obras públicas sin mantenimiento y deterioradas... ¿Por qué? Porque todos esos cuchocientos millones que ustedes pagan en impuestos, en IVU y cuanta cosa más les cobra el gobierno se van en PAGAR LA NÓMINA de todo ese montón de empleados del gobierno que ustedes no quieren sacar.

El ELA tiene 3.7 millones de habitantes, y más de 300 mil empleados públicos, o sea aproximadamente 1 empleado público del gobierno por cada 12 personas. En comparación, Japón tiene 130 millones de habitantes y 1 millón de empleados públicos, o sea aproximadamente 1 empleado del gobierno por cada 127 habitantes. Con esa cantidad de gente el gobierno de Japón provee más y mejores servicios que el gobierno del ELA.

O sea, que PR tiene proporcionalmente 10.5 empleados del gobierno por cada uno que tiene Japón... y aún así el gobierno de Japón, con UNA DÉCIMA PARTE de los empleados que el de PR, provee MAS y MEJORES servicios.

Lo que hay que preguntarse es ¿Cómo es que los japoneses pueden correr BIEN su país con UNA DÉCIMA PARTE de los empleados públicos? O también, ¿cómo es posible que con DIEZ VECES MÁS empleados púbicos que Japón, la calidad de los servicios del gobierno de PR sea PÉSIMA?

Porque en PR los empleos del gobierno se usan como refugio de batatas. Y eso lo sabe todo el mundo.

Esa es una de las razones por las cuales Japón es una potencia mundial y un país del Primer Mundo, mientas que PR es una colonia tercermundista: porque los empleos en el gobierno son una forma de MANTENGO para batatas, y CADA VEZ que se intenta arreglar eso BOTANDO batatas, medio mundo protesta.

Así que JÓDANSE.

"Con la iglesia hemos dado, Sancho."

Escribió un amigo hoy en un foto de Internet:"Si no llega a ser por la iglesia católica no hubiera ni las ciencias modernas, ni las matematicas, ni las universidades, las cuales fueron todas fundadas por la iglesia. "

WTF??!! Las matemáticas existían milenios antes que la Iglesia Católica, y a los que crearon las ciencias modernas la iglesia los quemaba en la hoguera por herejes y blasfemos.

Digamos, como mucho, que todas esas cosas existen A PESAR de la Iglesia; a cuenta de la Iglesia estuviéramos todavía afirmando que el sol orbita alrededor de la Tierra, que la lluvia y el viento eran causados por demonios (Sto Tomás de Aquino en Summa Theologica) y que los pararrayos son cosa del diablo.

Pero según digo eso, también tengo que decir que a pesar de su horroroso pasado, y a pesar de que aún hoy en día sostienen estupideces como oponerse al uso de stem cells y de métodos de control de natalidad, la Iglesia Católica está mucho más al día que gran parte de las Iglesias protestantes, donde el fanatismo anticientífico (sobre todo su acérrima, irracional y absurda guerra contra la evolución) es razón de orgullo demente para muchos de sus líderes.

A la verdad que hay que retorcer grotescamente la historia para alegar que tener a los papas como emperadores de Europa "salvó" la civilización occidental... cuando en realidad eso lo único que provocó fue el OSCURANTISMO (a.k.a. The Dark Ages) período durante el cual Occidente perdió CASI UN MILENIO debajo del talón de la Iglesia Católica Apostólica Romana.

Quienes salvaron la civilización occidental, irónicamente, fueron los MUSULMANES, que copiaron y tradujeron del griego al árabe las grandes obras culturales, médicas y científicas... todo eso mientras la Iglesia Católica mantenía a Europa sumergida en un pantano de ignorancia y salvajismo, cacerías de brujas e Inquisiciones, persecuciones y asesinatos contra los judíos, moros, cátaros, Waldensians; en las Cruzadas, etc.

Pero eso no es todo. Aún hoy que todo el mundo sabe que Galileo estaba en lo correcto y los religiosos ignorantes no, hubo alguien que en pleno 1990 JUSTIFICÓ las salvajadas de la Iglesia contra Galileo:

"The Church at the time of Galileo kept much more closely to reason than did Galileo himself, and she took into consideration the ethical and social consequences of Galileo's teaching too. Her verdict against Galileo was rational and just, and the revision of this verdict can be justified only on the grounds of what is politically opportune."

¿Adivinen quién fue el cavernícola que se disparó esa joya de discurso? Nada menos que el Cardenal Ratzinger, hoy Papa.

Márquez v Pacquiao, y el negocio del boxeo

Mucha gente ofendida con la pelea de boxeo de hoy, la que le robaron al mexicano Márquez a pesar de la pela que le dió por ojos, boca y nariz al filipino Pacquiao. Dicen unos que hasta aquí llegó el boxeo. Otros que ya no tiene credibilidad como deporte. Etc etc...

Gente... really? ¿AHORA es que vienen uds a darse cuenta de que el boxeo es un ENTRETENIMIENTO como la WWF, y NO un deporte?

Para los que dicen que NUNCA habían visto una pelea en que un campeón ganara por decisión a pesar de haber cogido de arroz y de masa, me permito recordarles éstas dos:

1993: Whittaker le dió contra el piso a Julio César Chávez. Dieron la pelea EMPATE.

1999: Oscar de la Hoya le hizo CANTOS la cara a Tito Trinidad. Le dieron la pelea a Tito, que apenas consciente estaba luego de la zarza que cogió.

Gente, ésto es bien sencillo. A mí me da mucha pena con Márquez, porque le robaron la pelea. Pero la REALIDAD es que el boxeo NO ES un deporte. El boxeo es un show. Y las peleas importantiosas las gana el favorito de los promotores multimillonarios y las mafias.

Eso es así y SEGUIRÁ siendo así mientras TOOOOODA esa gente que se queja por las peleas robadas SIGA PAGANDO DINERO por ver los shows de boxeo.

Univisión y las conspiraciones imaginarias ...

Alguien dijo hoy lo siguiente en un foro de internet donde pululo:

"te das cuenta que en Univision pretenden meternos la cultura mejicana por ojo, boca y nariz? Y programas de mediocridad para que el que vea el canal se embrutezca cada vez mas? Siempre nos han tenido envidia porque gozamos de la ciudadania americana. Y aqui no sabemos valorar lo que tenemos! Por tanto, se han metido aqui para destruir al pueblo"

Yo no creo que ésto sea un "complot" de Univisión para mexicanizar a la gente, de la misma manera que la programación de ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, etc no es un complot para americanizar a nadie.

Simple y sencillamente Univisión de PR le pertenece a la cadena Univisión en USA. La inmensa mayoría de la audiencia de ésta cadena son mexicanos, y por lo tanto la mayoría de su personal, y el enfoque de su programación, es hacia esa audiencia. En pocas palabras, AHÍ es que están los CHAVOS $$$ de Univisión.

El mercado de PR es comparativamente bien pequeño, un puñado de millones, y ellos no van a hacer mucho esfuerzo en desarrollar programación específica para ese mercado solamente. Como cualquier cadena de televisión, ellos solamente van a meter $ en programación enfocada en la audiencia que les deja $$$.

La televisión NO ES un servicio público, no está ahí para ayudar a la gente, ni para educar, ni para informar, ni para alimentar la cultura; la televisión, al igual que la radio y los periódicos, es un NEGOCIO y esta ahí para hacer DINERO a sus dueños. Lo que pasa es que nos creemos los embustes que esos dueños nos meten. Lo que pasa es que nos gusta disfrazar la realidad de eufemismos, emocionalismos y wishful thinking.

Si los PRs quieren que se produzca televisión enfocada en PR, pues tienen que APOYAR la televisión local que se produce. A más audiencia más dinero de los anunciantes, y a más dinero pues más se puede producir. Si los PRs quieren una televisión que SI ayude a la gente, que SI eduque e informe, que SÍ sustente y promueva las expresiones culturales locales, pues tienen que PAGAR por ella, porque de gratis no hay NADA en el mundo.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My first attempt to update my iPhone to iOS5 : semi-disaster

My first attempt to update my iPhone to iOS5 : semi-disaster

1. The update process crashed repeatedly.

2. I had to restore the phone to factory conditions and reinstall everything

3. The whole process took over 5 (yes, FIVE) hours... and those 5 hours do NOT count all the time I will have to spend FIXING the stuff that got BROKEN and messed up by the " update". Read on...

4. Icon arrangement came
out all messed up. I have to spend time now rearranging all
the App icons in the screens and folders I had them

5. I LOST ALL the eBooks (100+ !!!) I had in the Stanza eBook reader app. Gone. I probably have them on my Windows 7 PC (which has NOT crashed even once in almost 2 years, it looks like MS *finally* learned how to write an OS...).

6. The Stanza bookreader app doesn't work with iOS5. I'll have to switch to Kindle or Nook because iBooks sucks. That means that once I search and locate my eBooks in the PC, I will have to CONVERT ALL of them from .ePub to .mobi so I can access them on Kindle. Drat... MORE time wasted...

7. I lost ALL my Safari bookmarks. ALL. GONE. Re-doing all this is going to take A LOT of time that I don't have.

8. I lost ALL my photos and videos. This one is MAJOR. Thankfully I back them up manually to an external drive and didn't lose them completely. But if I hadn't ...

9. I lost ALL the alarms I had set. Minor but annoying.

10. I lost ALL the world clocks I had set up. Minor but annoying.

11. I lost ALL my "Favorites" in the phonebook. Minor but annoying.

12. My voicemail lost its configuration, now I have to remember the damn password or call AT&T.

13. All the entries in my Calendar are now duplicated. That's more time I will have to spend fixing that.

14. the Weather app lost all the pre-set cities. Minor annoyance, more time wasted.

15. some apps, such as Weather Channel, got deleted. GONE. Now I will have to reinstall them. More time wasted.

16. I lost ALL the text messages I have sent or received over MANY years. Apparently there is NO WAY to recover that. Gee, thanks, Apple...

17. eMail accounts configuration was lost. Minor annoyance, more time wasted.

18. My phone's memory shows 4.3 Gb in "other". It looks like I will have to wipe out the phone AGAIN and reinstall everything.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pirámides y astronomía antigua

RE: pirámides y astronomía antigua

... La mayoría de la gente se cree que porque los antiguos humanos aún no habían desarrollado tecnología, eran brutos. No, señores, eran homo sapiens, tan inteligentes e ingeniosos como nosotros. Su vida dependía de la agricultura, así que aprendieron a discernir las estaciones y a medirlas con el sol y las estrellas. Total, de noche no había más ná que hacer !

No sólo los egipcios construyeron edificios y plazoletas alineadas con los astros. Por TODO EL MUNDO existen construcciones así. Era algo normal, y demuestra que la humanidad luego de haber observado los cielos durante siglos aprendió a discernir y medir muchas cosas. En Irlanda (Newgrainge) y Perú (Caral) existen complejos de edificios más antiguos que las pirámides, también alineados con los astros.

Los taínos, de hecho, también alineaban sus plazas y canchas de pelota con los astros; arqueólogos han encontrado plazas taínas alineadas con el punto donde el sol sale en el solsticio, con estrellas como Betelgeuse, etc. en Turks & Caicos. En Antigua hay rocas con glifos alineadas con los puntos donde sale el sol en fechas específicas, con estrellas particulares, etc. De hecho, Tibes en Ponce es el observatorio astronómico más antiguo de las Antillas:

Monday, October 10, 2011

Why Apple's Main Product was Steve Jobs image

  • Les comparto algo que acabo de postear en el foro Veritas... :-)

    El principal producto que Apple mercadeaba no eran ni los teléfonos ni los music players ni sus compus ni sus tablets. El principal producto que Apple mercadeaba era a Steve.

    Raul Soto I mean, el tipo era un genio vendiendo.

    El iPhone no hace nada que otros smartphones no hagan también. De hecho, mi iPhone se crashea mucho más a menudo que mi PC con Windows 7.

    El iPad no tiene access a Flash (o sea que no puedes ver cuchocientos programas y películas gratis en los websites de las cadenas de televisión, ni jugar montones de juegos gratis en el web), no tiene slots para USB ni tarjetas SD para uno mover files del cacharro a la compu fácilmente, no; todo tiene que irse por la leña de programa ese iTunes. Lo mismo los iPods. Las compus hacen lo mismo que las de Guindous por el doble del precio. Con un Kindle de $200 puedes leer los mismos libros que con un iPad de $500.

    Sin embargo mucha gente ve los productos de Apple como mejores que los de la competencia. No son malos, pero tienen serias limitaciones. Pero la gente los compra por montones, pagando el precio premium que Apple cobra - gracias al famoso Steve Jobs' Distortion Field.

    El que la IMAGEN de Jobs era el principal producto de Apple se veía cada vez que lanzaban un producto "nuevo" que aunque no era otra cosa que un catch up con OTROS productos de la competencia, como quiera la gente lo compraba, aún los que tenían la versión que Apple había tirado 8 meses antes.

    La gente JURA y PERJURA que Steve Jobs era un Da Vinci moderno, dando como ejemplos Apple y Pixar. ¿Pero es que uds se creen que Steve fue quien se inventó a Woody y a Buzz Lightyear y al iPad? Jobs era un CEO, él daba dirección high-level, y aprobaba o desaprobaba conceptos para productos. Pero Jobs no se inventó nada de eso. Zuckerberg se inventó Facebook, pero hace años que él no es el programador que lo actualiza. Larry Page y Sergei Brin se inventaron Google, pero hace años que ellos no son quienes inventan y programan ahí, Bill Gates escribió el MS-DOS original y junto a Jobs se pirateó el GUI de Xerox (Gates para hacer Windows, Jobs para hacer la Mac), pero nadie sostiene que Bill Gates se inventó Powerpoint ni el XBox.

    Nadie en su sano juicio se cree que Kevin Sharer se mete en los laboratorios de nosotros en Amgen a inventarse las medicinas.

    ¿Por qué creen entonces que JOBS fue el inventor de todo eso? Porque Apple cultivó esa IMAGEN de genio rebelde, irreverente y contra cultura. Porque ESA imagen, no los cacharritos electrónicos, es el producto principal de Apple. Los gadgets son el símbolo.

About China's Naval Threat ...

About China's Naval Threat ...

I just read this article, and posted the following rant at Veritas, one of my favorite Fbk discussion groups. ;-)

That's how services compete among themselves in the Pentagon - by trying to grab as much of the budget pie as possible. At one point several years ago, when the USA started getting heavily involved in both Iraq and Afghanistan, plus in counterterrorism activities around the globe, the Navy found itself relegated to a secondary role as the Army's cargo drivers. With the once mighty Soviet fleet rusting in Kiev and Arkhangel, NO ONE in the world had a Navy that even got close to ours.

We were no longer fighting the vast armor columns of the Warsaw Pact, or the splendid supersonic naval bombers of the Soviet Atlantic fleet. Now we were fighting Ahmed the Towelhead with a Chinese-made AK-47 and 10kg of C4 strapped around his balls, and his 10 thousand cousins. The Army, once thought to be an obsolete left over from mid 20th century in an era of missiles, fighters and carriers, was once again king of the services and getting the lion's share of the budget. The Air Force, after doing away with its Iraqi counterpart in like the first 7 minutes of the 2003 invasion, morphed and settled into its close ground air support role and never looked back. Even the Marine Corps found itself at home in the sands and cliffs along with the Army, thousands of miles away from the nearest beach.

That whole state of affairs, of course, didn't sit well with the admirals. Yeah, they fired Tomahawks from ships and subs, yeah the SEALs are doing awesome things everywhere, yeah they get to launch drones every time Obama wants to execute an American-born terrorist without them pesky niceties such as due process. Sure, they got to blow up Qadaffi's butt and provide command & control while our esteemed Euro NATO allies were still sorting out which of them whose turn it was to bring the Grey Poupon.

But that's not what the Admirals got into the Navy for. It's SHIPS, big and scary and shiny, bristling with mighty missile launchers and mysterious antennae and full of white-clad sailors saluting them and polishing brass to a mirror and kissing their ass. Yeah, SHIPS. That's the ticket.

So... how do they keep the Navy from feeling irrelevant in the Brave New World of enemies with no navies to speak of? Hmmm...

Of course! The People's Republic of China! The big bad dragon replaces the big bad Soviet bear! They bought a floating pile of shit from Ukraine and spent 10 years scraping the rust off - they have a CARRIER !!! Forget that we have like 14 of them, and that ours are bigger and mightier, and that even countries like Brasil and Thailand have carriers... No! They.Are.THE.NEXT.BIG.Threat!

THAT's how the Navy gets its budget appropriations passed!

And now, after this not-so-frequent stroke of Generalísimo wisdom, I have to go design @#$%^ primers for PCR because this week I've got to clone genes.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Otra vez la burra al trigo ...

Ninguna economía se puede sostener mediante muletas contributivas y mantengo corporativo. Ninguna.

El propuesto cambio a la sección 933 es para que se use la banca de PR como conducto para que empresas multinacionales puedan repatriar hacia USA sus ganancias obtenidas en el exterior. El que se crea que ésto va a traer plantas manufactureras u algún otro tipo de empleo a PR se llevará tremenda decepción.

Quienes realmente se benefician de ésta propuesta enmienda 933A son la banca local (que históricamente ha contribuído millones al Partido Popular y a mantener la colonia), los accionistas de los bancos locales (como los Ferré Rangel, Sila María Calderón, etc) y los grandes bufetes como McConnell-Valdés (¡que coincidencia, el bufete de donde salió Fortuño!) que perdieron muchísimo dinero cuando las ex-936 dejaron de usar sus servicios, y por supuesto el Partido Popular, que nuevamente recibirá ayuda multimillonaria de éstas empresas cada vez que haya que torpedear, obstaculizar y hundir procesos descolonizadores.

El neoPNP con ésta movida acaba de convertirse oficialmente en el hederedo del PPD como el partido de los Happy Colonials ligeramente pro-americanos.

Para que una economía prospere tiene que levantarse sobre sus propias ventajas comparativas, sobre características y fortalezas propias, inherentes, no sobre inventos y traquetelos leguleyos que pueden desaparecer con un plumazo del Congreso.

PR tiene que levantar sus propias empresas, echar a andar sus propios start-ups, tener disponible capital de riesgo para inversiones, invertir en incubadoras de tecnología, para que surjan empresas locales que puedan ser el fundamento de una economía propia que invierta aquí, no una economía prestada que viene y se va según sople el viento económico mundial.

Y para atraer inversiones Puerto Rico tiene que corregir sus eternos problemas, que joroban tanto al inversionista como al empresario local como a los residentes: el alto costo y pésimo servicio de electricidad y agua, el pésimo estado de la infraestructura, la espantosa criminalidad, el alto costo de la transportación, las leyes laborales prehistóricas y retrógradas, y la tramitología elefantiásica del gobierno estatal.

Arreglen todo eso y se reducen los costos de operar en Puerto Rico no sólo para las multinacionales sino para los empresarios locales, que viven asfixiados por el peso de todas esas cosas. Arreglen eso, inviertan en startups de tecnología tendrán un fundamento fuerte para la economía de la Isla que NO DEPENDERÁ del status político, ni de muletas contributivas, ni de mantengo corporativo.

Yo dudo que el Congreso, que está como loco buscando fuentes de ingresos en medio de un déficit cuasi-apocalíptico, vaya a aprobar un tax loophole tan enorme como éste. Probablemente aprobarán un tax holiday de 12 meses directo con el IRS, sin usar a PR como conducto. Pero de aprobarse éste embeleco, olvídense que lo que hay en PR es 100 años más de coloniaje.

Friday, September 23, 2011

El que ACEPTE que lo traten como a un SÚBDITO COLONIAL en vez de como a un CIUDADANO, pues se merece los maltratos y las injusticias que le caigan encima.
- Yo

Particles Found to Travel Faster than Speed of Light

ésta noticia recorrió el mundo hoy ...

This result is not yet conclusive. When something like this happens, a LOT of research, confirmation, requete-confirmation, attempts to duplicate results, etc. must be performed BEFORE they can conclude that those neutrinos were indeed moving at speeds higher than light.

If this observation turns out to be a true discovery, it may require a revision of relativity as it is known today. But most likely it will not overturn it completely. :-)

I am VERY rusty in my fundamental physics, so please forgive me if this opinion turns out to be nonsense X D

PS : if you are interested on reading the original paper where this came out, it's available HERE:

Friday, September 16, 2011

Aprendiendo de Otros

Los puertorriqueños tienen que aprender de las luchas de otros.

Décadas atrás, cuando en los estados del Sur se les negaba irresponsablemente a los ciudadanos negros la igualdad de derechos, éstos no se dieron por vencidos. Ellos insistieron en su lucha pacífica, y lograron deslegitimizar el sistema segregacionista al punto de que se hizo social y políticamente insostenible para el gobierno mantenerlo. Gracias a su lucha consistente y firme, la segregación colapsó, y los negros lograron obtener la igualdad de derechos que la Constitución les garantiza.

El Estado Libre Asociado, ese embeleco injusto y criminal que mantiene a Puerto Rico sumido en el subdesarrollo y el tercermundismo colonial, no es otra cosa sino una forma moderna de Apartheid, de segregación étnica, que sobrevive mediante subterfugios y pretextos, para proteger los intereses económicos de unos pocos a expensas de los derechos y la prosperidad de la inmensa mayoría.

Es necesario deslegimizar el coloniaje en las esferas de poder politico, y en los medios de telecomunicación masiva de los 50 estados. Hay que insistir, fastidiar, jeringar, hasta que la existencia de ese sistema segregacionista, discriminador y criminal llamado “ELA” se convierta en un liability. Hay que deslegitimizar completamente el coloniaje, delatarlo como el grotesco engendro racista que es, hasta el punto en que nadie en el Congreso, ni en el poder Ejecutivo , ni en las multinacionales se atreva a apoyarlo nunca más.

Para eso es que se supone que en Puerto Rico existe un partido “estadista”. El PNP no debe esperar a que el status de Puerto Rico se convierta en un asunto de importancia para el Congreso; la responsabilidad de un partido estadista es HACER que el status de Puerto Rico se convierta en un asunto de importancia. La organización y ejecución de éste tipo de campaña de medios masiva para retratar al ELA como lo que realmente es debería ser trabajo de Luis Fortuño, Pedro Pierluisi, Kenneth McClintock, Thomas Rivera Schatz, Jennifer González, y el resto del liderato del PNP. El PNP debería pedir tiempo en cuanto programa de discusión política existe en las cadenas nacionales de television, marroneando el punto ad nauseaum ante cada pundit de la derecha y la izquierda.

Ganar un plebiscito no es la meta, es apenas el principio. Tal vez no se obtenga la estadidad aunque ésta gane un plebiscito de status con 49%, o aún con 52%. Pero una victoria plebiscitaria, con los números que sean, levantará el issue de una forma significativa en los medios nacionales. Entonces le tocará a todos esos que mencioné antes irse a chavar , jeringar y mantener el issue vivo hasta que se logre una resolución final.

Es por eso que había que realizar el plebiscito en 2009, y no esperar a tener 3 años de issues y peleas entremezclados con el issue del status.

Pero más vale tarde que nunca. El pueblo estadista debe presionar a su partido estadista para que realizen el plebiscito y para que NO DEJEN MORIR EL ISSUE después del resultado.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Myth of Pedro Albizu Campos

The Myth of Pedro Albizu Campos

by Raul Soto

November 9, 2000

[NOTE: Since a number of people have in the past expressed interest in using some posts for radio programs or other types of communications in the States, I'm sending this in English to save you all the trouble of translating it. ]

One of the most interesting things about today's 'independentismo' is its nationalistic streak, and their newly-found devotion to the figure of Pedro Albizu Campos. T-Shirts, posters, portraits, and quotes of Albizu are common in 'independentista' nazionalist rallies around the Island and in the US.

But how just much of what they say about Albizu is true, and how much is product of historical revisionism, of an attempt to manufacture a legend, a mythical hero, marthyr, prophet and leader, which can be used to rally together and unite the numerous pro-independence tribelets?

Here are some of the most common myths about Pedro Albizu Campos and some answers to them, from a conversation a statehooder friend of mine had with an Independentista professor from the UPR :

1. Albizu dedicated his life to be the lawyer of the workers and the poor

This is a lie. After 1937, Albizu spent most of his time perpetually in jail, not because he "dedicated his life to the poor", but because he was perpetually inciting those of weaker minds to violence.

2. Albizu was the President and Leader of one of the most influential political parties of his era

The Nationalist Party, contrary to this claim, was numerically tiny (just look at the 1932 election results, less than 4,000 votes). Of course, old Pete couldn't deal with the fact that *practically nobody* liked him. This, by the way, included INDEPENDENTISTAS themselves (think his color had to do something with that? Doesn't anybody find curious that all those lilly-white present-day "patriotas" who wouldn't be caught DEAD shaking the hand of a black man, give all these hellium-filled speeches about Albizu? I'll tell you why - because he's DEAD. If he were alive, Mari, Gallisá, Fufi Santori, Muriente, Farinacci, and yes, the little troika of Ruben, Fernando and Manuel wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole). So dear old Pedro, after his crushing electoral defeat, decided to denounce the electoral process (talk about a sore loser).

I guess it all comes down to how one defines "influential". If by influental one means a small rabble of black-shirted (just like Mussolini's boys. Coincidence? Read on...) fanatics running amok and attempting to (and succeeding, as in the case of Riggs) murder anyone who disagrees with them (they even tried to off Santiago Iglesias, the labor leader, because he was pro-american), then I guess they might be 'influential'.

3. With his potential, his education, experience and proven intelligence, he could have been rich, successful, and maybe even challenge Luis Muñoz Marín for political power in the colony.

There's an old Aerosmith tune called "Dream On", and the title applies here. Albizu wouldn't have been elected dog catcher. Just ask any old geezer who lived through that era. Albizu was the kind of guy whose speeches are perhaps fun to listen (if you like screaming), but who scares the bejeezus out of people if the prospect of his gaining power became a reality.

Besides, he went to the polls only ONCE, and he got LESS than 4,000 votes. Some potential for political power...

4. Albizu decided to give his life, talents in the struggle for the freedom of Puerto Rico, when PR was threatened with the loss of its culture and "collective being" under the forced-americanization programs of the 20's and 30's

And instead, he was a sickening Hispanophile (funny, he wasn't into mentioning his African side) who even supported Franco, and before that, the Spanish Monarchy. Of course, all good fascists stick together.

Think about that, the grandson of people who were brought to the Island as SLAVES, under the lash and the most cruel conditions, and he supports the very regime that enslaved his family. Well, if statehooders are "pitiyankis", does that mean that Albizu was a "piticatalán" o "pitigallego"?

As for this "collective being" psychobabble: get real, we're all INDIVIDUALS. By the way, what happened to the Spaniards who populated the Island and then became Puerto Ricans, who took away their "collective being"? And why is it OK for that to have happened, but ANY kind of cultural influence from the US is not? And what about the Africans? You're not going to tell me that those folks were Catholic, ate rice and beans, and spoke Spanish in Ghana and Guinea, now are you? What happened to their "collective being"?

5. One can disagree with his rethoric and his methods, as the PIP did, and perhaps his personality, but no one can dismiss that he's a central figure in our history, because he directed a movement of people with the balls to risk their lives, families and property to fight for the freedom they thought was necessary

Hogwash. Albizu is a pimple in the history of Puerto Rico. He had NO popular support, his political thinking was profoundly FASCIST; he was also a conservative catholic who probably would have persecuted protestants, and he was NO FRIEND of labor, as you and the PIP would have us believe.

Remember what Albizu's solution to the cane workers' was during the strike of 1934-35? "Les daremos hombres de talla". As The Who put it: "Here's the new boss. Same as the old boss".

The quicker Albizu and his message of HATRED and DIVISION is relegated to the dustbin of history, the better off the Island will be. And, let's not forget, at his most violent, the PIP was the #2 party in Puerto Rico, poised to challenge the PPD for control of the Island. And just then Albizu and his yahoos decided to go for a coup d'etat. Ironic, ain't it? That the guy who spewed forth so much blather about independence is probably the guy responsible for hundreds of thousands of PRs turning AWAY from independence, and towards the USA? That's right, Albizu scared the hell out of people of that time. Incidentally, the Jayuya and Utuado fiasco is also where the independentistas got their "foaming at the mouth, bomb throwing, wild-eyed, raging lunatics" stereotype. If he had only let Concepción de Gracia and his guys do their stuff...

But no, as with all megalomaniacs, "I did it MY way"

6. We have to admire him for the same reasons that the world admires Washington, Bolívar, Sandino, Zapata, Mandela, Martin Luther Kind, José Martí, Maceo, San Martín and many others; because he decided to fight a clearly superior enemy, because he loved his people and wanted their freedom.

BS. It shows a remarkable lack of historical knowledge, or a serious ideological blindness, to say that. Unlike the men mentioned above, ALL of whom had MUCH MORE popular support than Albizu ever did, Albizu led a FASCIST movement (did you know what's the German word for Nationalist? NAZI). And you know what Fascism is all about, right? Well, we saw what it did in Europe during the 20's, 30's and 40's, right? And in Spain until the 70's. In fact, look at Milosevic, a good old nationalist if there ever was one. And this is to be admired???

And again, in 1948 the PIP got more than 22% of the vote. Why couldn't Albizu cooperate with them, his fellow independentistas? I'll tell you why, because his EGO got in the way. Funny, even TODAY, independentistas have more ego than camaraderie among themselves. Some things (and some people) never change.

Oh, and another thing: Fidel was in the Sierra Maestra with his troops. Washington was with his, crossing the Delaware. Bolivar put his own lands and his own money on the line to be with his troops. So did Mao during the "Long March". But WHERE was Albizu while his "troops" tried to take over Barrio Obrero, Jayuya and Utuado? Was he on the front, giving orders? Was he on a hand-to-hand battle against the oppressor or his colonial lackeys? NO! He was HIDING in an apartment in Old San Juan, and he came out naked, wrapped in a white towel, when the Police got him.

What a leader (not) !!!

7. He's worthy of an important place in the history of Puerto Rico and the Americas

I betcha if he were alive, YOU would be the first one to want him committed...

8. Statehooders say that Albizu was a terrorist. That's what the British said about Washington and his rebels, the Salvadorian oligarchy about the FMLN, Pinochet about Allende's people, Somoza and Batista about the guerrillas that confronted them, and so on. Each person should decide what his/her position in the political spectrum should be

The truth is that ALL those guys mentioned there had some measure of popular support, but Albizu? ONLY AFTER HE WAS SAFELY IN THE GRAVE. And even then it would be less than 3%.

Albizu is a freaking myth created by the pseudo-intellectual petit-burgeois of the ivory towers, so that they could have some hero to follow and to brainwash impressionable minds with some of that good ol' patriotic fervor.

But not to worry, PRs have more common sense than that.

9. If Albizu was so insignificant as statehooders desperately claim, then why even mention him? One doesn't waste a pixel to criticize a myth, unless of course one views him as a threat

Just because someone disparages Albizu doesn't mean that he's a threat. Besides, the guy's been safely dead for over 30 years; and, at last glance, other than the usual blather from the ivory tower independentista set, his movement (mind you, I'll be GENEROUS and include ALL the independentistas under the same tent, although how the Frente Socialista with its classic adherence to Marxist crud, and the Partido Nacionalista with its adherence to Fascist standards get together is beyond me) has NO POPULAR SUPPORT. So, some threat.

10. Every movement has its heroes, and one of the PR Independence Movement's heroes is Albizu, for his dedication and courage to put his life in the line for his beliefs and the independence of Puerto Rico

Did you know that one of the requirements to practice Law in Puerto Rico is to swear loyalty to the US Constitution? So there's your 'patriot', swearing loyalty to the supreme law of the supposed oppressor. Albizu did it; as casey Stengel said "You can look it up".

11. Say what you want, and spin your disdain for Albizu any way you like. The fact remains that Albizu, as a man, may have been as flawed as any man is. But as a symbol of independence, of sacrifice, of love of his country, he will never lose his place in our history and in our hearts,

I assume that you speak for yourself. To me, he is the symbol of fanaticism, of racist hatred, and of immature passion. A guy who could have contributed a lot, but instead he wasted his life away.

12. The myth has public streets named in his honor, books written about his life and struggles, monuments stand for his memory. These things stand in diametrical contradiction to your ravings, and place him in the realm of the Titans of our independence movement as José de Diego, Betances, etc.

So? That's precisely the point. He's a myth created by the pseudo-intellectual petit burgeois of the ivory towers; and the monuments, books, and everything else is done in order to manufacture a Puerto Rican Bolívar, or Washington.

De Diego? Wasn't he Central Aguirre's lawyer during the sugarcane worker's strike? See, that's the essential problem with the supposed "independentistas" (really, now, isn't the sad truth that most of you talk the talk, but when it's time to walk the walk you get the shivers and vote Popular?). On the one hand, a lot of this "patriotero" talk; but on the other hand, it's TOTAL adherence to the status quo. What did Jacobo Morales call it? Oh, yeah, "Patriotas de Cafetín"...

13. You are sadly mistaken when you state "Albizu is a fricking myth created by the pseudo-intellectual petit burgeois of the ivory towers"

Where's the proof behind your claim? The FACT is that Albizu only went to the polls ONCE, and got LESS THAN 4,000 VOTES. Is that what you call a leader? When he was in jail, the VAST MAJORITY of Puerto Ricans, including Independentistas, were totally in agreement. It is only NOW, that he is safely dead and harmless, that he is supposedly venerated. Why?

14. More accurately, he was a product of the military colonial establishment of the US and their policies to erase our existence as a distinct culture

Really? The first thing is that by 1901, there was a CIVILIAN government in PR. The very first in our history, since Albizu's beloved Spaniards had never seen it fit to permit PRs to be ruled by civilians. There was also a Legislature that enacted all of the local laws, another first for PR.

As far as "erasing our existence as a distinct culture", the fact is that just as the Spanish imposed their Castilian language on the Taínos and the Africans they brought here under the lash, the US attempted to teach English (let's not even get into the historical fact that the FIRST public school system in PR was also part of the benefits of US rule, the Spanish believed in keeping the majority of the population illiterate and ignorant). Funny, all the hullaballo about English in the schools and not a single peep about the cultural GENOCIDE the Spanish perpetrated against the Africans and Taínos.

Albizu was more of a product of an illegitimate birth by a white man (a Spaniard) who did NOT recognize him as his son until Albizu was an adult, and of the racism of his independentista peers. Of course, to admit that his OWN kind rejected him because he was black would be too big an admission, right? Better to reject "the invader" than to actually look at Puerto Rico's society for what it REALLY was, and to a large degree, continues to be.

15. Albizu was the manifestation of the Puerto Rican Nation immune system, in raising to the defense of its identity. Without colonial rule, there would have been no Albizu, no need of him

The problem with what you say is that you seem to believe that there is some kind of "collective thought process" going on. Perhaps the Borg are like that, but human beings, and certainly Puerto Ricans, are not. The fact is, of course, that we are ALL individuals, unique, each and every single one of us. I don't want to burst your bubble, but I betcha if you ask 100 people what a Puerto Rican is, or what is the "Puerto Rican nation", you're going to get 100 totally different answers.

Albizu was simply a man faced with tremendous racism, rejection by both the blanquito society in PR and the racist society up north (although, with all the racism, he DID manage to go to Darmouth and Harvard. That's one hell of a way to stamp someone out, isn't it? By letting them go to the most prestigious institutions you have? To this day, independentistas are the maximum beneficiaries of the system they so delight in condemning. I wonder what would happen if it really came down to crunch time?)

Faced with that, he goes into this fantasy world where under the Spanish (notice that his father was a Spaniard that never took care of him. One could easily conclude that Albizu's EXTREME Hispanophilia was simply the little boy in search for the father that never was) everything was all right and all Puerto Ricans were taken care of. A culturally homogeneous Puerto Rico, where everyone had the same values and so forth.

What folly! It was false then and it is false now. Which, I guess, is probably one of the prime reasons Albizu couldn't get much popular support then...



Ésto es lo que hacen los LegisLadrones para tapar que no tienen ni perra idea de cómo mejorar las cosas en la Isla : añadir MÁS formas en que te puedan clavar con un boleto y tumbarte tu dinero.

El que te va a llevar enredao, te lleva enredao con o sin triangulito.

Eso sí, como bien dijo alguien ya, el importador de esos triangulitos va a vender de repente más de 1 MILLÓN de unidades, y se va a JARTAR de $$$.

¿Saben lo que SÍ DEBERÍA ser ley, pero no lo es en PR? Que exista un website como donde el pueblo pueda ver QUIEN le dona dinero a cuál político, CUÁNTO y cuándo.

Así, por ejemplo, podríamos ver a cuáles políticos les dará $$$ el importador de los triangulitos :-)